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Bhakunde vdc
Bhakunde, Baglung

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Annual Program Of CDP

an image

Nepal Red Cross Sub Chapter Bhakunde Baglung (CDP) organized  assembly to deliver the Annual Program 2012 of CDP and the criticizing the past activities. The CDP members reported that they are only facilitator the function should be conducted by themselves to the Bhakundelese. Different activities are done during 3 years sustaining CDP in Bhakunde, ODF, controlling plastic and so on. Free smoke village, and well behavior villagers is going to be declared with the help of the NGOs/INGOs and Bhakundelese.        

Date: 11/03/2012 08:05:48 :writer: Yam Thapa

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बागलुङ, १३ कार्तिक । बागलुङ जिल्लाकै पहिलो घरबास (होमस्टे) गाउँ हो 'भकुण्डे' । बागलुङ कालिका भगवती मन्दिर सिरमा पर्ने भकुण्डेको अर्का पहिचान हो पर्यटकीय गाउँ । बागलुङ नगरपालिका वडा नम्बर १० भकुण्डे (साविकाको भकुण्डे गा.वि.स.)मा ८ सय भन्दा बढी घरधुरी छन् । जनजाति समुदायको बाक्लो जनसं more..

भकुण्डे जाने सडक कहिले सुधारिएला ?

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Slide Show

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