Three Days Leadership Development Training organized by Bhakunde
Youth Netwrok with the help of Nepal Red Cross Society Community
Development Project. Opening session chairman of Manoj Thapa Magar
took a president, conducted by secretary Yam Bahadur Thapa Magar,
Chief Guest Chairman of Nepal Red Cross Society District Chapter G
B Lamichhane, Guest Vice Chairman of Nepal Red Cross Society
District Chapter Ananta Khadka, Project Officer Ganga Shrees,
Political Representative Bhoj Raj Sharma, Chairman of Nepal Red
Cross Society Bhakunde Sub Khim Bahadur Thapa Magar, Chairman of
Dhaulagiri Youth Club Vishnu Prasad Sharma, gave speech about the
issue of Leadership. All the participants from 1 wards to 9 wards
total 24 participants are included. They were very hopeful after
launching this programme they would build up their leading power. hopes that the new youth leader will get soon
ruling over the Bhakunde VDC.
Date: 30/05/2012 17:23:02 :
: Yam Thapa
Our Team
Yam Bahadur Thapa Magar
Prem Bahadur Thapa
Dipak Thapa Magar
Ammar Thapa Magar
Juna Thapa Magar
Suraj Thapa Magar
Durgesh Thapa Magar
Mahesh Thapa Magar
Hira Bahadur Thapa
Shyam Kumar Thapa Magar
Tek Bahadur Thapa
Technical support
Jeevan Thapa Magar
फस्टाउदै भकुन्डेको होम स्टे, जाने होईन त हजुर ?
बागलुङ नगरपालिका-१० भकुण्डेस्थित होमस्टेलाई २०७३ देखि 'अतिथि
सत्कार होमस्टे' नामकरण गरिएको छ ।
नारायण रिजाल
बागलुङ, ३१ भदौ - प्राकृतिकसँगै धार्मिक, ऐतिहासिक र
सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाले भरिपूर्ण बाग्लुङको दक्षिणी गाउँ हो, भकुण्डे ।
कुथुकर्मको लेक र सौरेको धुरीसम्म फैलिएको यो गाउँ दुई हजा more..
भकूण्डेको सन्देश
जनमञ्चमा अनलाइन पत्रिकामा प्रकाशित
बागलुङको भकुण्डे यतिबेला सामाजिक सञ्जालदेखी सञ्चार माध्याममा
छाएको छ । होम- स्टेको गाउँ भनेर चिनिएको भकुण्डेमा रहेका
पर्यटकीय स्थलदेखी त्यहाँको होम-स्टेको सद्भावको बिषयले राम्रै चर्चा
पाएको छ । भकुण्डे यहि साल पर्यटकीय गाउँ बनेको भने more..