Nepal is a heady mix, a fascination land of ancient history,
vibrant cultures and people, bio-diversity scenic grandeur. From
the magnificent snow-capped peaks to the north, the lesser
mountains and midlands in the central region and the tropical
jungle and fertile plains to the south, Nepal is a land that
largely defined by its geographical features. Located between China
and India, Nepal also stands at the defining frontier of
civilization in this part of the world, showing a true
multicultural, multi-ethnic amalgamation. This varied landscape has
a population of roughly 23 million people, with over 70 languages
and dialects. Close to a third of the length of the greater
Himalaya falls within Nepal's borders. In fact, 10 of the world's
14 highest mountains lies the 147,181 spread of this
landlocked mountain kingdom.
Geologically, it remains and active zone and the youngest
mountains in the world are still in a state of fauna due to its
geographical location, climate, altitude and aspect. Packed into a
width of less than a 100 km, are conditions ranging from tropical
to alpine, from an altitude of 60-100m above sea level to 8,848m.
This unique location and climate has ensured that Nepal has the
best of both zoogeographical worlds-flora and fauna of the Orient
as well as that of the Holarctic.
Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of
bio-diversity to its unique geographical position and latitudinal
variation. The elevation of the country ranges from 70m above sea
level to the highest point on earth, Mt. Everest at 8,848 m, all
within a distance of 150 km with climatic condition fosters an
incredible variety of ecosystems, the greatest mountain range on
earth, thick tropical jungles teeming with a wealth of wildlife,
thundering rivers, forested hills and frozen valleys.
Within this spectacular geography is also one of the richest
cultural landscapes anywhere. The country is a potpourri of ethnic
groups and sub-groups who speak over 70 languages and dialects.
Nepal offers an astonishing diversity of sightseeing attractions
and adventure opportunities found nowhere else on earth. Any you
can join in the numerous annual festivals that are celebrated
throughout the year in traditional style highlighting enduring
customs and beliefs.
We are glad to extend our warm hospitality and hope your stay in
Nepal is a memorable one. If you have any queries or comments,
please feel free to contact us at the Nepal Tourism Board.
Tourists are advised to avail services from registered agencies
Nepal Tourism Board
Date: 19/02/2012 15:12:07 :
: Yam Thapa